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The Burbank Chorale is a non-profit corporation dedicated to providing opportunities for participation in the creation and enjoyment of fine choral music. It is open to all residents of Burbank and surrounding communities throughout the region.

The Burbank Chorale accomplishes its mission through the attraction and retention of diverse individuals who have a love of music, dedication to musical improvement, and the drive to provide excellence in performance, musical study, and individual as well as group development. The Burbank Chorale seeks to promote and foster growth in those attending concerts, as well as those performing, by offering a variety of musical styles, composers, and guest performers.

Goals and Values


To continue…

  • A policy of inclusion and diversity.

  • To be a musical community that supports the less skilled singers, while at the same time challenges the more experienced singers.

  • The tradition of providing beautiful concerts within the community.

  • To be a caring musical community, singing for the love of singing.

Inspiring Words by Alice Parker, from the Melodious Accord newsletter, July 2002


"No other art demands so persuasively that we dwell in this moment, right here, where space crosses time, in order to create something fleeting that we cannot make alone. Here is a positive addiction -- one that brings blessings rather than disease, and one that makes us appreciate and value those with whom and for whom we sing. We are most wonderfully human when we sing together."

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